You’ve now decided to install a laminate hardwood floor: not sure what to do next?……well? Before picking up your laminate hardwood flooring materials, you might want to watch this short video so you’ll be steered in the right direction. You want to install the hardwood laminate flooring but you have carpet down….should you remove the carpet?….do you need to remove the carpet?…..what do you do around the existing baseboard after you install the new laminate hardwood flooring?…..are these questions (& more) preventing you from moving forward on installing your hardwood laminate flooring project? Check out “joe” & see what he has to say about all this.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

How to lay a laminate wood floor: installing trim near a closet door will finish off your project. Do you know where to end your trim at the closet door, once you lay the laminate wood flooring down?….knowing how to do this might be a good idea. Just because you’ve completed laying your wood flooring down, doesn’t mean you are done with your project. Watch as “joe” shows you how he finishes off the trim near a closet door, after the wood laminate flooring has been installed.
Video Rating: 3 / 5